the author Grace Robertson
Grace Robertson 08 Dec, 2019 - 4 min read

17 ways to work, live and thrive sustainably this decade

We're super inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They were created as a blueprint for people, business and organisations to help us achieve a better, more sustainable future.

The 17 goals address the global challenges currently faced. In a world where global issues can seem overwhelming, one solution is to think local and act local.

Here are some cool organisations, products and services that are championing the UN's SDG's which you could support. The sustainable revolution begins with you.

  1. No Poverty. Donate what you don't use, and and support organisations that are working to prevent poverty such as The Life You can Save.

  2. Zero Hunger. Avoid throwing food away, donate it to your neighbours with the Olio food waste app or donate what you can to the Trussell Trust to help stop UK hunger and poverty.

  3. Good Health & Wellbeing. Vaccinate your kids and get the flu shot, visit the NHS website for up-to-date info. Do check out Mind to find out the five ways to mental wellbeing.

  4. Quality Education. Turn your kids into bookworms with Teach Your Monster To Readand support your kids climate activism via XR Youth or Greta's, Fridays for Future.

  5. Gender Equality. Men and women, call out sexist behaviour, read how to talk to men in your life right now. Also, trans rights are human rights.

  6. Clean Water and Sanitation. Don't waste water, get the Refill app for water on the go or support Gather, a data-driven organisation working to support 2.5 billion people in cities around the world without access to safely-managed sanitation.

  7. Affordable & Clean Energy. Be more energy efficient, switch to Ecotricity or try Bulb. Be inspired by London Power, an energy company founded by the Mayor of London. See also Hackey Light and Power who are supporting Hackney Council's declaration to become zero-net carbon borough by 2040.

  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth Support crafters and makers via Yodomo. Drive social change with digital technology with Cast. Get clued up on the Green New Deal or find out more here.

  9. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Get fun inspiration from The Happy Broadcast. Support charities on the go with The Good Box. Got money to spare and keen to invest? Back 'Tech for Good' founders via Bethnal Green Ventures.

  10. Reduced Inequalities. Support ACLU and end discrimation. Support Amnesty International and help protect human rights.

  11. Sustainable Cities & Communities. Ditch the car for all short journeys. Walk more with the Trace-Tracker walking app and Sweatcoin, or cycle with Love to Ride and Beeline and use public transport via Transport for London or City Mapper..

  12. Responsible Consumption & Production. Go vegan with the help of Allplants. Recycle more and become zero-waste with Terracycle. Reduce your fast-fashion and swap your clothes at Big Sister Swap or rent designer fashion with My Wardrobe. Download the Good On You and find out how ethical your favourite fashion brand is. Use Farm Drop, Oddbox or Riverford for more ethical food consumption.

  13. Climate Action. Educate everyone on sustainability, uncover the truths with What you can do to be more climate friendly right now or Rebel for life with the Extinction Rebellion. Reach a carbon-balanced lifestyle via the Almondapp.

  14. Life Below Water. Reduce plastic with one product at a time with this handy guide from My Plastic Free Life ideas. Get groceries delivered from the Good Club. Ditch your shampoo and conditioner bottles with these amazing soap bars, Ethique. Make yourself aware of the endangered fish list. Read 'How to save the world for free' by Natalie Fee and avoid contributing to 'Fatbergs' and landfill with Cheeky Wipes.

  15. Life on Land. Plant a tree or three on your street, Trees for Cities now. Become climate positive through Offset Earth. Save the trees and subscribe to Who Gives a Crap for tissues, toilet roll and kitchen roll. Download the Too Good to Go app and help prevent industrial food waste.

  16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions. Vote, vote, Vote in the UK, Vote in the USA. Democracy - it's for everyone, check what MP's do in your name withThey Work for You.

  17. Partnerships for the Goals. Mariana Mazzucato has demonstrated that the real driver of innovation isn't Silicon Valley but state investment... read this brilliant long read from Wired or partner up with business and research institutions to make change happen, go to UKRI and Nesta.

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